Sunday, December 16, 2012


Friday, December 14, 2012

Due Monday: Alternate Universe Chemistry Worksheet and the Metal Reactivity Lab. The test is on Tuesday.

Today in class we learned everything there is to know about Periodicity. Mr. Lieberman showed us a couple of videos about how the Alkali Metals react with water. Then he showed us his own demonstration of how Aluminum and Magnesium react with air through a flame.  Aluminum had nearly no reaction and Magnesium had a vigorous reaction.  After this, we conducted our own lab to discover some periodic trends involving the reactivity of metals.

Reaction with Aluminum

Reaction with Magnesium

These were the results from my lab.  We tested reactivity of the metals: Calcium, Aluminum, and Magnesium with water and with Hydrochloric Acid.  We saw that Calcium was the most reactive in both cases.  We saw that Magnesium had a slight reaction with the two solutions.  We could not detect a reaction with the Aluminum in either of the solutions.  With this information, we could deduct certain information pertaining to periodic trends. We could clearly see that as you move across the periodic table, from left to right, reactivity decreases. (Magnesium more reactive than Aluminum.  We could also see that as you move down a column of the Periodic Table,  reactivity increases. (Calcium greater reaction than Magnesium)

Reactivity decreases for metals as you move across a row because it becomes harder for them them to lose electrons.  It increases as you move down a row because it becomes easier to lose an electron. We saw this in the videos we watched with the Alkali Metals. The reactions kept getting bigger and bigger all the way until Cesium's reaction with water made the bathtub explode.

The next scribe will be... JANE B

Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Due Tomorrow: Periodicity Worksheet. The Alternate Universe Chemistry worksheet is not due until Monday. THE TEST HAS BEEN MOVED TO TUESDAY, 12/18.

Today in class, we spent the majority of the class going over the class notes. We learned about atomic radius, ionization energy, and a little bit of electronegativity.

     Atomic radius, simply put, is the radius, or size, of an atom. We learned that similarly to the Periodic Table of the Aliens, as you move up and down columns and left to right through the rows of the periodic table, the elements have similarities as well as one or two changing variables. For atomic radius, as you move left to right on the periodic table, the radius decreases. This is because as you move left to right, the elements have more protons, which bond with the electrons, drawing the atom tighter together, making the radius smaller. We also noticed the trend that, as you move down the families, the radii increases because there are more electrons as you move down, but not as many protons, which means that the size (radius) will increase. This trend is the opposite for both ionization energy and electronegativity.

     Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove one valance electron (an electron on the outer shell of the atom) from the atom. As I mentioned above, the trends of ionization energy are opposite to the trends of the atomic radius. As you move from left to right on a period, the energy needed to remove one electron increases. This is because as you move across the period, as mentioned above, the elements gain protons, drawing the atoms tighter together. Because the elements become more compact, the energy needed to pull one electron out increases. Similarly, as mentioned above, as you move down a family, the amount of electrons increase, but the amount of protons does not, so the atoms are less compact. This makes the amount of energy needed to pull out one electron less.

     The trends of electronegativity are exactly the same as ionization energy, for similar reasons. Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons. As you move left to right across a period, the outer shell of atoms becomes more full. This means that as you move left to right, atoms need less and less electrons. The pull that they have to complete their electron shells becomes greater.

Go on Moodle if you need tonight's homework.

The next scribe will be.... Jack M.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

SPDF orbitals

Due on Thursday: Periodicity Questions (word processed) and Periodic Table of Aliens. The Alternate Universe Chemistry worksheet is not due until Friday. Also, the test date has been CHANGED to Tuesday, December 18th. Alrighty now that that's settled, lets get on to the fun stuff!

In class on Monday, Mr. Lieberman explained that when different elements are burned, their flames change to different colors because they are giving off light as they burn. For example, when different S1elements are mixed with Nitrate and dissolved in methanol, their flame changes from the blue color of a methanol flame to whichever color of light it gives off. From left to right, the elements in the dishes are Lithium (pink/red), Sodium (orange/yellow), Potassium (light violet), and Copper (green).

After that, we played battleship to learn the order of SPDF orbitals and how they appear in the periodic table.  Basically, the first two columns of elements end in S orbitals, the bottom two rows of the periodic table end their electron configuration in F orbitals, the transition metals end in D orbitals, and the last 6 columns end in P orbitals. Therefore if we read it from left to right, the order would be SFDP.

Now on to Tuesday's class, WOOHOO!

OK so on Tuesday we received a new set of notes which are available on Moodle. We also talked more about the properties of SPDF orbitals.  Mr. Lieberman gave us a ton of sheets for practice with the orbitals and their order, check above for the specific due dates.

Other than that, nothing especially new happened. If you are confused or have questions about the unit, feel free to email Mr. Lieberman at

The next scribe will be..............................................BRIAN F.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Electron Configurations

On Friday in class, we found out that Mr. Lieberman is moving to Florida to run his own hotel.
Also, we found out that he needs to fill up every room on each floor before he can begin to fill the rooms on the next floor, much like how you need to fill the S orbitals before the P orbitals, and so on.

S orbitals can fit 2 electrons, much like the Suites per floor in Liebs' hotel can fit 2 people.
P orbitals can fit 6 electrons, much like the Pretty rooms per floor in Liebs' hotel can fit 6 people.
D orbitals can fit 10 electrons, much like the Dungeon rooms per floor in Liebs' hotel can fit 10 people.
F orbitals can fit 14 electrons, much like the F (unknown meaning) rooms per floor in Liebs' hotel can fit 14 people.

Electrons can be configured using the periodic table.
Hydrogen and Helium compose the 1s energy level, then the 2s-7s orbitals are composed of the elements in columns 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table so...
2s = Li and Be
3s = Na and Mg
4s = K and Ca
And so on...

P orbitals start at an energy level of 2, so instead of P orbitals starting with 1p, the P orbitals start with 2p.
P orbitals include columns 13-18 of the periodic table (not including Helium) so...
2p = B, C, N, O, F, and Ne
3p = Al, Si, P, S, Cl, and Ar
4p = Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, and Kr
And so on...

D orbitals start at an energy level of  3, so instead of D orbitals starting with 1d (not One Direction), the D orbitals start with 3d.
The D orbitals include rows 3-12 so...
3d = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn
4d = Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, and Cd
5d = La, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, and Hg
6d = Ac, Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Ds, Uuu, and Uub

F orbitals consist of the Lanthanide Series and the Actinide Series, or the two rows that were moved aside to allow the Periodic Table to fit on a piece of paper. F orbitals start at an energy level of 4, so instead of F orbitals starting with 1f, the F orbitals start with 4f. So...
4f = Ce, Pr. Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Tb, and Lu
5f = Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, and Lr

Those are the energy levels, now we need to configure the electrons. When writing out the electron configuration of an element, you need to go row by row and go in order as orbitals are added on.
An example helps explain this concept.

When writing the Electron Configuration for Bismuth, or Bi, you need to go in order of the orbitals. So...

1s^2 because the entire S orbital is filled with 2 electrons.
2s^2 2p^6 because the entire S and P of row two are full of electrons.
3s^2 3p^6 beause the entire S and P orbitals are full of electrons.
4s^2 3d^10 4p^6 because the entire S, D, and P orbitals are full of electrons. D comes before P because the D block (group of columns) comes before the P block when reading left to right.
5s^2 4d^10 5p^6
6s^2 4f^14 5d^10 6p^3 because the entire S, D, and F orbitals are full of electrons. The f comes before the d because the f block comes before the d block in the 6th row of the Periodic Table. 6p^3 because Bismuth is the 3rd element in that energy level of the p block with Thallium (Th) and Lead (Pb) coming before it.

The final Electron Configuration for Bismuth (Bi) is:
1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^10 4p^6 5s^2 4d^10 5p^6 6s^2 4f^14 5d^10 6p^3

The number of electrons for the element can be determined by counting the exponents of the Electron Configuration if the element is an ion, or by looking at the Atomic Number of the element if it it neutral.

Hope this helps!
Homework: Electron Configurations packet, the first four pages.

The next SCRIBE will be GEORGIA K.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Spectrum and quantum numbers

We started class by discussing about the electromagnetic spectrum. Mr. Lieberman then passed out these glasses to everyone in the room.
He told us to look at the lights in the room with the glasses on. You would see something similar to this.
These are called continues spectrum. The glasses makes the light bend into different colors. Then, he took out a tube filled with hydrogen gas. He put it in a machine that gives off energy. He then turn off all the lights, and this is what we see.
sorry its blurry!
Then, we put on our glasses, and this is what we see.
These are called line spectrum. Different frequency effects different wavelengths. Again, this happen because the glasses bends the light, making them break through its components.
We then go over the notes. We went over the Spectrum all the way to the quantum numbers. When there is energy, electrons jump up and then back down. When the electrons jump down, they release energy/light. We then went over quantum numbers. Here's a video explaining the quantum numbers.
Feel free to email Mr. Lieberman or go to the TLC if you still do not understand this.

HOMEWORK: Quantum Number worksheet and go on Moodle for a new schedule for this unit.

Next Scribe: Katie W.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Molar Volume of a Gas

HW due today:
Gas problem set #1 & 2.
HW: Molar Volume of a Gas Lab is due Wednesday! Also, there is a WA reading 5.4.
 *If you have questions from the two worksheets, we will go over it in class tomorrow.

Hello, this is Eunice! Today in class we did the Molar Volume of a Gas Lab the entire class period. Our lab goal is to measure the molar volume of hydrogen gas at STP. If you don't know what molar volume is, it is the volume occupied by one mole of a gas is called the molar volume. During this experiment, we measured the molar volume of hydrogen gas as standard temperature and pressure. The reaction is Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) --> MgCl2(aq) + H2(g).

First, we got a piece of magnesium and tied it around a copper wire like a ball.  

Then, my partner got 10 mL of hydrochloric acid and poured it at the bottom of a eudiometer. Next, we filled a beaker with 600mL of tap water.  
Later, we used a smaller beaker to put in water into the eudiometer to the top. We put in the copper wire with magnesium inside, plugged it with a rubber stopper, and flipped the eudiometer over into the tap water. There was a lot of bubbling and sizzling inside, so we waited until there were no bubbles left. Then we measured the volume inside, and we got 26.3 mL. Share your trial data with your table and make sure you have both trial 1 and trial 2. 
After you record the length of Mg ribbon, mass of Mg, evidence of chemical reaction, volume of H2 gas, barometric pressure, room temperature, and water vapor pressure, go on to the calculations part! 

BTW, remember:
Total Pressure= pressure of H2O + pressure of H2.
10cm of Mg=.1407grams
Barometric pressure=30.04 in Hg. 
                                     Get 600mL of water and be ready to flip over the eudiometer!

                                                 This is not a great picture. But you should tie the magnesium
                                                with copper wire like a ball. And put in rubber stopper.

                                           Flip over the eudiometer quickly and carefully.
                                            You will see lots of bubbles!! (H2)

                                                  This is an awesome picture of the bubbles!
                                                         The magnesium disappeared.


Next Scribe is: BENYA C


Monday, November 19, 2012

Gas Stoichiometry

Due Today: Ideal Gas Law worksheet
Due Tomorrow: Ideal vs. Combined worksheet
                                       Gas Stoich #1 worksheet

Today we learned how to do gas stoichiometry. Basically, we use stoichiometry to solve the equations of the different gas laws.

Today's demo was all about pressure of gas in a cannon.
 After the demo, we had to answer a couple questions about it that would lead to gas stoichiometry:
 CaC2 + 2H2O --> C2H2(g) + Ca(OH) 2
1.) How many moles of gas are formed in the cannon?
     To solve this problem, we use gram-->mol stoich:
     0.41g x 1mol CaC2 x 1mol C2H2  = 0.0064mol
                        64 g         1 mol CaC2
2.) What is the pressure of the gas that was formed in the cannon?
      To solve this problem, we first found all the variables of the ideal gas equation: PV=nRT. We used this equation because there is only one set of conditions.
       T = room temperature = 23°C = 296K
       n = 0.0064
       V = pr2 h = p(2.68)2 (41) = 870 cm3 = 870mL = 0.87L
       R = 0.00821 (atm/mol K)
The equation to solve for P is:
       (P)(0.87) = (0.0064)(0.00821)(296)
                    P = 0.18atm
This example should help with the Gas Stoich homework sheet. The other sheet for homework is review for the quiz tomorrow :)
Next Scribe: Eunice C.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Due Today: Pressure Worksheet
Due Monday: Ideal Gas Law Worksheet

Today, we learned many new things about gases like ideal gas law and saw the properties of gases in action by seeing many cool demos. 

First, we talked about the many laws that gases and pressure follow.

The first law is Boyle's Law: 

Boyle's law states that pressure is inversely proportional to volume. In other words, as Pressure goes up, volume goes down, and as pressure goes down, volume goes up. 
This can be written as:  P1V1=P2V2

 Mr. Lieberman Showed us a real life example of this by putting a balloon in a pressure chamber. When Mr. Lieberman decreased the pressure in the chamber, the volume of the balloon went up and the balloon got bigger.


 When Mr. Lieberman increased the pressure in the chamber, the balloon shrunk and the balloon went back to normal size because the pressure went up so the volume went down.
The next law that Mr. Lieberman talked about was Charles's Law, which states that: The volume of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature, and extrapolates to zero at zero Kelvin. In other words, this law says that as temperature goes up, volume goes up and as temperature goes down, the volume goes down. 

To show us this law, Mr. Lieberman poured extremely cold liquid Nitrogen into a container and put 2 very big balloons into the container. The baloons volume decreased dramatically because of the extremely low temperature. 


Here is the Equation: V1 =  V2
                                  T1      T2
For the law to mathematically work, the temperature must be in Kelvins!
Converting from Celsius to Kelvins is easy: Just add 273.15 to degrees Celsius.
20 degrees Celsius would become 293.15 Kelvins.

The next law Mr. Lieberman showed us was Gay Lussac's Law.
This law states: The pressure and temperature of a gas are directly related. In other words, as temperature goes up, pressure goes up, and as temperature goes down, pressure goes down.

To show us this law, Mr Lieberman put a pressure measurement instrument in the liquid nitrogen container. The Pressure started at around 15 psi, the normal pressure measurement on ground level.

But then after being in the extremely cold liquid nitrogen, the pressure decreased dramatically.

 The equation for this law is:  P1 =  P2
                               T1     T2
Like Charles's Law, the temperature in Gay Lussac's Law needs to be in Kelvins for the law to work mathematically. 

The next law is Avagadro's Law. This law states that: For a gas a constant temperature and pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas (at low pressures). In other words, gases with the sam amount of volume will have the same number of moles.

The Formula can be written as:  V1 =  V2
                                  n1      n2
N= the number of moles and V= the volume

The last law that Mr. Lieberman taught us was the Ideal Gas Law. This is just a combination of all the laws listed above so they don't have to be individually used. 

The equation for this law is:  PV=nRT

P= pressure in either atm, or kPa
V= volume in liters
n= the amount of moles present
R= The universal gas constant. 
In other words, if atm is used for pressure, then R would be .0821 atm/ mol K(change)
If kPa is used for the pressure, then R would be 8.314 kPa/ mol K(change)
T= the temperature, in terms of Kelvin. 

In the homework that is due Monday, the Ideal Gas Law worksheet, we use the Ideal Gas Law to solve the problems. Since Mr. Lieberman already explained how to do number 1 in class, here is how to do number 2.

2. What temperature must be maintained to insure that a 1.00 L flask containing .04 moles of oxygen will show a continuous pressure of 745 mm Hg?

The first thing that should be done is to convert 745 mm Hg to atm or kPa, because the pressure has to be in one of these two units. 
Here's how to convert it: 745mm Hg    1atm             = .98 atm
                                         760mm Hg 

 You should use the conversion factor of 1 atm per 760mm Hg so you can cancel mm Hg out and get the pressure in terms of atmospheric pressure, atm.

So, P= .98atm

The volume is 1.00 Liters because in the problem it says that the flask is 1.00 Liters.
So, V= 1L

The amount of moles is .04 moles because the problems says that that is how many moles of oxygen are in the flask.
So n= .04 moles

R is .0821 because that is the gas constant of atmospheric pressure, which is what the pressure unit is in this problem.
R= .0821

Finally T is not known because it is not given to us in the problem.
So T will remain T for now because it is the variable.

So knowing all of this: (.98atm)(1.00L)= (.04moles)(.0821)(T)
After multiplying it out, you should get .98= .003218T.
Divide both sides by .003218 and you should get 305.3.
Remember, temperature has to be in terms of Kelvin for this formula, so the answer is:
305.3 Kelvin

The Next Scribe is... Renee H.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pressure: Gases

Due today:  -The Behavior of gases worksheet  (answer key has been posted on moodle)
Due tomorrow:  -Pressure worksheet

Today, we continued our introduction to pressure and gases with some more demos.  Below are the summaries of the demos.

1. Flask and paper
In this demo, a note card was placed on top a flask
 filled with water, then the flask was turned over.
Interestingly, the water did not spill from the flask.
This demo proves that pressure is everywhere
 pushing in all directions.  

      2.   Can Crushing

In this demo we heated an aluminum can filled with a little water.
Then, we placed this can top down in to a large beaker of cold water. The can
immediately crushed when it contacted the water.  Inside the can is low pressure
because of the water vapor.  And the outside or the atmosphere is high pressure.  That is why when placed in the water the high pressure crushes the low pressure.

3.  The Vacuum

For the third demo, we put someone into a large garbage bag an tried to get an air tight seal.  Then we turned on the vacuum and removed all the air from the bag.  This removed all the pressure surrounding the person in the bag which made it feel like there was more pressure pushing down on them.  Our lucky demonstrators were Madi, Georgia, and Mr. Lieberman.

4.  Stuck to the ground

This was an interesting demo that involved a device with two levers that when flipped down, the device would stick to whatever smooth surface it was on.  Xavier came up to try to pull it off the ground with a promise of breakfast from Mr. Lieberman if he did.  Xavier removed it without a sweat!  Breakfast for him!

Later in class we went over some notes on pressure.  In theses notes we discussed the different measures of pressure along with some formulas and conversions:

Formula for pressure:

 In case you are not sure what pressure is, it is: 

--the force created by the collisions of
 molecules with the walls of a container.

The molecules in the container move in a random
direction as shown to the right.

We also talked about how a mercury barometer works
as shown below:

Here are the standard pressure values and units that can be used for conversions:

  • 1 standard atmosphere
  • 101.3 kPa (kilopascals)
  • 14.7 lbs/in2
  • 760 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury)
  • 760 torr
These standard values can be used to convert from unit to unit  as shown below:
99.6 kPa x 1 atm/101.3 kPa = 0.983 atm
0.983 atm x 760 mm Hg/1 atm = 747 mm Hg

Next scribe: Jeremy E.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Properties of Gases Intro and Demos

Due: Nothing (b/c we had a test yesterday)
Homework: Behavior of Gases worksheet, chemthink-gases

Most of our class time today was spent reviewing the test, but we did begin our unit on Gases. 

Mr. Lieberman conducted a series of demos exhibiting different behaviors of gases. He proved that gases can go directly from the the gas state to solid state. This is called sublimation. He demoed this by heating up a closed flask of iodine and we saw that a purple/pink gas was created. 

Gases can also behave like a fluid. Fluids have the characteristics of taking the shape of their container, moving throughout their environments (ex. pipe), they flow, and you can pour them. Mr. Leiberman, exemplified this by setting up two flasks. One with baking soda and vinegar that react to form CO2 and the other, left empty. When a flame was placed in the empty beaker there was no reaction, but when it was placed in the beaker with the baking soda the flame was extinguished. Then Mr. Lieberman poured the CO2 gas in the first beaker into the second one, without pouring any of the baking soda mixture into the second beaker. Then when the flame was placed in the second beaker, the flame was extinguished. This happened because gases can behave like fluids, and the CO2 was poured into the second beaker where it remained and extinguished the flame. 

Next scribe: Daniel H. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Solution Stoichiometry

Solution Stoich

By Megan Noone

Date: November 8, 2012
Homework: Solution Stoichiometry Sheet, (It's double-sided!)
Next Test: Tuesday November 13, 2012.

Today we learned how to apply Stoichiometry to Molarity!

For example...

What volume of .1 M Na3PO4 is required to precipitate all of the lead (II) ions from 150 ml of .250 M Pb(NO3)2?

We can solve this problem by using what we learned in Stoichiometry and combining it with what we learned from Molarity!

1) Balance the equation! 

    Na3PO4 + 3 Pb(NO3)2 ------> 6 NaNO3 (aq) + Pb3(PO4)2 (s) 

2) Convert the volume to moles!
   150ml x       1L        x 0.250 mol Pb(NO3)2
                    1000ml                    1L

3) Next convert the moles of Pb(NO3)2 to moles of Na3PO4!

   150ml x       1L        x 0.250 mol Pb(NO3)2 x 2 mol Na3PO4  
                    1000ml                    1L                   3 mol Pb(NO3)2

4) Finally, convert moles of Na3PO4 to liters! 

  150ml x       1L        x 0.250 mol Pb(NO3)2 2 mol Na3PO4  x              1L            
                    1000ml                    1L                   3 mol Pb(NO3)2    0.1 mol Na3PO4

When all is calculated out, it looks something like this! 

 150ml x       1L        x 0.250 mol Pb(NO3)2 2 mol Na3PO4  x              1L            = 0.25 L Na3PO
                    1000ml                   1L                   3 mol Pb(NO3)2    0.1 mol Na3PO4

See? That wasn't so hard! 

As a reward, please enjoy this picture of 2 adorable penguins! 

Good luck with the homework! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Concentration of Solute

Date:  November 5th, 2012
Homework:  Molarity Worksheet

On Monday, we learned how to determine the amount of solute in a solution by using it's concentration. One of the ways to measure concentration is molarity, which is modeled by the following equation:

Molarity (M) = moles of solute
                       liters of solution

You can find any one of these variables with simple algebra if you know the two others:

6 = mol solute

.25 x 6  = .25 x mol solute

mol solute = 1.5

The two other ways to measure concentration are molality and % mass :

Molality (m) = mol solute
                  kilograms solvent

% mass = grams solute
               grams solution

Molarity can be used to calculate the dilutions of substances by the equation:


M1 and V1 are the initial molarity and volume of the solution. M2 and V2 are the molarity and volume after the dilution.

Colligative Propertie

Colligative Properties

Date: November 6th, 2012
Homework: Solution Concentration Worksheet

On Tuesday we learned about Colligative properties. Colligative properties depend only on the number of solute particles present, not on the type of particle it is. We see Colligative properties in things such as boiling points and melting points.

Our first demo showed how water reacts when other particles are added to the solution. In this demo, the students represented water and the objects in hand represented the other particles.

First the water moves freely. When a particle is added, some of the water is attracted to that particle.

Then, more particles are added to the water and less of the water moves freely.

Finally when more particles are added, the water is the water is attracted to the particle and less water can escape.

When more water is "linked", it doesn't escape and not attracted to pure solvent. The vapor pressure goes down.

The other demo we had today was a bottle of soda flash freezing. Salt was sprinkled on ice with soda in the ice. The ice had a lower freezing point and was able to cool the drink to a lower temperature without freezing it. When the soda was opened, the pressure decreased because the CO2 escaped. This resulted in the flash freezing.

THE NEXT SCRIBE WILL BE..............Megan N.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Net Ionic Equations

Date: November 2nd, 2012
Homework: Net Ionic Equations Worksheet

On Friday, we learned how double replacement reactions occur in water. Also, we learned how to write molecular equations in the form of ionic and net ionic equations.
The following reaction takes place in water:

AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)

AgCl is the precipitate formed in the solution.
When the reaction occurs the soluble compound (NaNO3) is broken down into its ions (Na+ and Cl-).
The ionic formula of this reaction is:
Ag+ + NO3- + Na+ +Cl AgCl (s) + Na+ + NO3-
AgCl would remain in its compound form since it was formed as a precipitate.The rest of the products, if are soluble, would remain in their ionic form. In this reaction, not all the ions reacted. NO3- & Na+ did not combine to form a compound.
Therefore, the net ionic equation, an equation with only the reacting ions, is:
Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) AgCl (s)
                                                   Silver nitrate and sodium chloride are put into water.
                                         When inside the water, both compounds break into their ionic forms.

The silver and chloride ions react to form a precipitate. While the nitrate and sodium ions remain in the ionic form and don't react.