Today's Homework: "Naming Workshop" worksheet and study!
As usual, today we started off class by checking in the homework.*Please remember to have Mr. Lieberman stamp both sides of the worksheets for upcoming homework checks*

Next Mr. Lieberman talked about Acids and their properties. These were from the notes from the beginning of the unit. If you do not have the notes they are available here on moodle. If you do not feel like printing out all the notes, today we only discussed the last three slides. We discussed the properties of Acids and how to name acids. Acids are found when certain molecules are put in water. They ionize to form H+ ions.
If the second ion, the anion, does not contain oxygen, then you change the ending of the acid to "ic" and add the prefix hydro. However, if the anion DOES contain oxygen, "ate" changes to "ic" and "ite" becomes "ous". Mr. Lieberman came up with a silly/convenient way to remember this: ATE-IC, ITE-OUS.
The last section of the notes were about the Oxoacids. Mr. Lieberman said there was no pattern to memorizing these so just study them!
Next we reviewed for the quiz we had today. We used whiteboards to write formulas and equations for certain compounds. In the last ten minutes of class, we took to the quiz. If you did not take the quiz today, please take it as soon as you can with Mr. Lieberman or in the test center.
REMEMBER: Study the ion chart for the quiz tomorrow because you will not be able to use it.
The next scribe will be Tommy R.
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