Beverage Density Lab
Hey everyone, today in class we did the Beverage Density Lab! The goal for this lab was to determine the % of sugar content in several different samples of beverages. For this lab you must know the formula for density, density = mass divided by volume.Before extracting samples we had to find the mass on the balance of the beaker each time we used it so our measurements were precise and accurate. Then we had to use the pipets to extract exactly 5 mL of 5 different solutions mixed with a certain percent of sugar (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). Once in the beaker, we had to find the mass of the solution. Now to find the mass of the true solution you have to subtract the mass of the beaker from the mass of the solution in the beaker. For example, I got 56.81 g for the mass of the 5% sugar solution and 50.80 g for the beaker. To find the solution's mass I had to do 56.81 - 50.80 = 6.01 (mass of only the solution/liquid in the beaker.)
After recording all the data you had to make a graph with
density on the y-axis and % of sugar on the x-axis. This graph should be discrete, a set of points, because all your results all data points not an infinite amount of data that a line graph would support.

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